lunes, 30 de junio de 2008


Hola amigos/as!:

El próximo día 3 de julio, con motivo de la Clausura de unas Jornadas que tendrán lugar en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Sevilla, en C/Laraña, se proyectará el documental dirigido por el antropólogo Juan Ignacio Fernández López RAMÓN JIMÉNEZ, LA FUERZA DE UN SÍMBOLO. Un buen ejemplo de producción joven!. Actuará en el acto también el cantautor Rafael Moreno, colaborador en la banda sonora del documental. Es a las 21,30 h.

martes, 10 de junio de 2008


The Department of Sociology, University of Delhi, will hold an international ethnographic film festival – the first of its kind in India – from 26 to 30 November 2008, and subsequently every two years.

The Delhi International Ethnogrpahic Film Festival will feature several sections including a Tribute to David and Judith MacDougall.

Please check the website for further details:

The last date for entries is 30 July 2008

viernes, 6 de junio de 2008


ISTITUTO SUPERIORE ETNOGRAFICO DELLA SARDEGNANUORO, SARDEGNA (ITALY)In collaboration with David and Judith MacDougall from the Centre forCross-Cultural Research, Australian National Universitywill offer a 7-day VIDEO WORKSHOP IN VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY6 - 12 September 2008at the Istituto Superiore Etnografico della Sardegna in Nuoro This workshop is being offered to persons with little or no priorexperience of video production who wish to use video in forthcomingresearch projects. It is open to graduate students and others with atleast three years of tertiary education. The workshop will include basicvideo training and theoretical discussions of how video may be applied toresearch and publication in anthropology and relateddisciplines. The emphasis will be upon the conceptual rather than thetechnical side of video practice. The workshop is intensive and will beconducted all day for each of the seven days, with morningsessions normally reserved for group instruction, screenings, anddiscussion, and the afternoons for individual practical exercises in andaround Nuoro. Although the workshop will not provide directinstruction in video editing, it will make use of a strategicapproach to filming and "editing in the camera" so that students willlearn to produce materials that can be edited effectively. We believe video can be used effectively in field research withoutextensive training, provided one learns certain basic skills andovercomes the most commonly made mistakes. We also believe video can beused to do more than merely gather visual records. It can be used toapproach knowledge in new ways, in a form of discoursesignificantly different from that of written texts. We thereforeapproach this medium as a new "language" that researchers can acquire andapply to their own disciplines. The workshop will be conducted over 7 days, from 6 to 12 September 2008,at the Istituto Superiore Etnografico della Sardegna in Nuoro. It will belimited to a maximum of 12 students. 5 places will bereserved for qualified Sardinian applicants, 2 places for qualifiedAustralian applicants, and the remaining places will be open to allapplicants. In view of Sardinia's geographical position in theMediterranean, students from north Africa are encouraged to apply.Participants will be selected on the basis of: 1) having completed atleast three years of tertiary education; 2) having proficiency inEnglish; 3) their intention to apply video to an imminent fieldresearch project; 4) the relevance of video to the proposed project; 4)how soon the project will commence; and 6) their need to acquire basicvideo skills. Students will be expected to provide their own videocameras for use during the workshop, as well as at least two hours ofvideotape. Cameras using most current analogue or digital formats areacceptable; however, the camera used should haveprovision for the connection of an external microphone, which will beprovided by the workshop. A set of relevant readings will beprovided. Readings, instruction, and discussions will be in English. Agood command of English is therefore essential. Participants will beexpected to attend all sessions for the full seven days. THE INSTRUCTORS: The workshop will be conducted byinternationally-known ethnographic filmmakers David and JudithMacDougall. The MacDougalls have produced over twenty-fiveethnographic films and have wide-ranging experience in teachingethnographic film and video techniques in Australia, USA, Norway, India,and China. Among their recent prize-winning films are Photo Wallahs,Tempus de Baristas (a co-production of ISRE), Diya, The Age of Reason,The Art of Regret, SchoolScapes, and Gandhi's Children. APPLICATIONS: Applicants are requested to complete the application formand supply a statement in English of not more than one pageindicating their prior experience and reasons for wishing toparticipate in the workshop. The application form is available at thebottom of the following web page: will be given to applicants who intend to conduct theirfield research in the near future. Participants will be responsible fortheir own travel to and from Nuoro, however accommodation and meals willbe provided for the period of the workshop by theIstituto. The deadline for receipt of applications is July 15, 2008.Applicants accepted for the workshop will be informed by July 31, 2008.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008


Se adjunta el programa de actividades del grupo de veinte líderes indígenas que, como en años anteriores, visitan Sevilla procedentes de dos programas de formación en Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao) y de la Universidad Carlos III, de Madrid.

La Universidad de Sevilla, en coordinación con Ceiba y el colectivo de solidaridad con los pueblos indígenas, ha preparado una agenda de actividades académicas y no académicas que tienen por objetivo escuchar la voz de los pueblos indígenas en primera persona.

También se adjuntan material promocional de estas actividades.