2009 Taiwan International Ethnographic Film FestivalOctober 2-6
Since launching Asia's first international ethnographic film festival in2001, the biennial Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival (TIEFF)has established itself as one of the world's foremost venues for documentaland ethnographic films from around the world. Running from October 2ndthrough October 6th, this year's TIEFF will be held once again in TaipeiCity, capital of Taiwan. This year's edition "Body and Soul" will take thefestival and curious audience into a multi-cultural investigation ofmedical/alternative healing practices. Possible topics which candidate filmsdraw attention to can include, but are not limited to: Health care in thedeveloping world/Indigenous, traditional, and alternative healingpractices/Epidemics and infectious disease, suffering and care, etc. Increating the theme the festival seeks stories and examples all around theworld to cultivate common understanding of issues on physical and mentalhealth beyond the confines of traditional medicines, in order to encompassheterogeneous, physical and spiritual practices which shape health carearound the world. In addition to films submitted under the central theme, "Body and Soul"(which is open to all films related to the theme, regardless of the year ofproduction), TIEFF is also calling for entries of unlimited topics that arecompleted within the past two years (2007-2009), for submission to its "NewVision" section. TIEFF has become an important fixture in Taiwan's cultural and intellectuallife, attracting large audiences of filmgoers, teachers, and students everyother year. TIEFF is organized by the Taiwan Association of VisualEthnography, a non-profit organization dedicated to greater public awarenessof documentary and ethnographic films, and co-organized by the Institute ofEthnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. TIEFF is more than a venue for screeningfilms and videos; it is also a forum for learning, discussion, and exchange.TIEFF considers every film selected to be equally valuable; accordingly,there is no competition section. All film submissions are handled through our webiste:http://www.tieff.sinica.edu.twEntry deadline: June 10th, 2009
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